Capitalflow was delighted to sponsor the J109 Irish Nationals in Howth Yacht Club on Octber 6th and 7th. Big congratulations to Andrew Alego and his Crew on Juggerknot, the overall winners of the event. Our own Ronan Kelly and the family crew of the Kelly Clan on ‘Storm’ were 3rd place runners up with very small margins in a very closely fought competition. Thank you to all competitors for supporting Capitalflow, with all boats sporting the Capitalflow bow stickers for the weekend.
2018 J109 National Championships Results at Howth Yacht Club:
1st 3660 Juggerknot Algeo, Haughton, Knatchbull, Nolan RIYC 11.00
2nd 1242 White Mischief R & T Goodbody RIYC 13.00
3rd 1141 Storm P Kelly HYC/RSC 15.00
4th 1206 Joker (Jedi) J Maybury RIYC 18.00
5th 5109 Jalapeno Barrington, Despard, O’Sullivan, O’Reilly NYC 19.00
6th 2160 Chimaera A Craig RIYC 21.00
7th 1095 Dear Prudence DP Consortium HYC/RORC/RIYC 30.00
8th 7991 Jigamaree R Harris RIYC 37.00
9th 1383 Ruth Shanahan Family NYC 41.00
10th 1543 Indian Buckley, Knowles HYC 41.00
11th 28898 Powder Monkey Moore, Byrne, Others NYC 60.00
For further information and photos click here